Product Care

Product Care

Each individual product requires specific care guide. 

Gold, Plated

Between professional servicing, gold and platinum pieces can be maintained with a non-abrasive cleaner. Gold can easily be cleaned using warm, sudsy water and a soft, gentle brush. 

Gold has a tendency to scratch, so extra care should be taken when wearing and cleaning to maintain quality and appearance. Avoid exposing gold jewellery to perfume, cosmetics, household bleach or chlorine as it can cause discolouration. 

Sterling Silver 

Sterling Silver worn regularly  typically requires less care, so we strongly encourage you to wear your silver everyday.

Sterling Silver tarnishes rapidly when exposed to chlorine, chemical in household cleaners and products containing sulphur. To remove tarnish, we recommend a non-abrasive silver polish.

Sterling Silver can be cleaned using a quality polish. A toothbrush, with natural bristles can be utilised for the hard to reach surfaces. Wash in sudsy water, ensuring all polish is removed. Rinse in warm water, dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.


Between wears, we recommend storing all chains in the provided protective box or pouch, with clasps secured to avoid tangling or knots.

Avoid exposing chains to perfumes, cosmetics, chlorine and saltwater as this may cause the metal to tarnish. 


Pearls can be wiped gently with a lint free cloth and stored in the pouch provided. Do not store pearls in an airtight container or immerse in water.

Avoid sudden temperature changes and contact with cosmetics, exposure to bright light, ultrasonic cleaning, hairspray, perfume or household chemicals. Furthermore, abrasive surfaces may damage the smooth finish of the pearls and should be avoided.


Examine your jewellery regularly to ensure ettings are snug and clasps are tight.

Take care to protect your jewellery from impact against hard or abrasive surfaces. Avoid snagging prong settings on clothing as this may cause a loosening of the setting, risking the loss of a gemstone.

Extreme temperatures, over exposure to bright light, ultrasonic cleaning and household chemicals can damage or discolour gemstones.

Diamonds are best cleaned using a soft brush and a solution of six parts warm water to one-part ammonia. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after cleaning and dry with a soft cloth before wear.

General rules

Avoid wearing jewellery while doing heavy manual work.

Never wear your jewellery whilst using household cleaners as they can contain chemicals which can be harmful to your precious stones. 

Never wear your jewellery while showering or applying cosmetics, as gold jewellery will develop a soapy/ greasy film, causing discolourisation of stones and metal.